Saturday, 15th July 2023 - Ascot Golf Course, QE2 Park

Slightly undulating ground with one steeple at end of first lap, then two steeples per lap.
Laps are made up of the main 2km lap with a 1km cut-off lap to make the odd distance laps such as those on the 3km and 5km courses.
How to Enter
Registered athletic club members must enter through their club secretary. Clubs please list runners using Excel in alphabetical order and include Surname, Christian Name, DOB and Sex noting anyone who wishes to run outside their grade.
Entries close 7 pm, Monday July 10th, 2023. Discounted race fees for registered athletes: $12 for adults 18 years & older; $7 for U 18.
Send entries to johngam@xtra.co.nz. Please pay into account 03 0830 0321241 00
You are welcome to enter on the day. Please see us, at the registration tent, at least 45 minutes before the start of your race, where you will be given a loan race number and timing chip. These must be returned before you leave the venue please.
Cost: Adult $20; U18 (on 31st Dec) $10.00
Please note Community runners are not eligible for any medals.
Please read the Condition of Entry